Thursday, March 29, 2007

Home Computer Repair - What Not To Do

Hello, and welcome to Home Computer Repair!

Ok, so you are probably here reading this because you have, or think you have a computer problem, or maybe your home computer is just not acting normal. DO NOT do the flying test! Your computer cannot fly, and will never be able to fly, so do not test this theory out of your upstairs window! Simple home computer repair techniques I will show you will help; all while your bank account stays the same(credit cards too)

So about this blog… I am going to be teaching you(not selling you) how to go from identifying that you have a home computer repair problem, all the way to resolving that same problem. The purpose is to get your home computer working the way you want it to.

Along the ride you will learn I do own and operate a home computer repair and services company, BUT in no way am I here to solicit their services. We only service a very small area in southeast Michigan. Learn what you can here for free, so that you will not need to call any home computer repair specialists for help. If you are curious what our website looks like check it out, I am very proud of it:

What not to do. Do not pay for such programs like Norton Anti Virus, Mcafee Anti Virus, or any other high priced program. These programs spend more on advertising than on the quality of their product and most like not help you in your quest to get your home computer repaired. Also there are programs offered only via the internet which will not solve any of your home computer repair problems and only cause your bank account to go down.

Such programs are, Registry Repair, Registry Cleaner, Reg Mechanic, and Reg Cure. These programs will cause you a lot more harm than good, and there are not many ways to get assistance in the event you do not understand how it works.

I have tried out most of the programs in one way or another on my home computer. You can find a lot of them when you do a simple Google search for “home computer repair”. I have yet to find one program that works effectively for a wide range computer repair issues. There are some programs that work well for very specific home computer repair tasks, the problem then lies in identifying your problem, and can it be repaired without paying money; most of the time the answer is yes!

In the event I do every come across a program that can fix most of the everyday home computer repair issues, I will not hesitate to endorse the program and benefit monetarily. You have been warned. Until then, on with the free home computer repair advice and lessons…

Home Computer Repair - how did I learn?

How do I know how to fix home computer repair problems? I have learned a lot, different things from different programs that I of course had to purchase. I learned that these programs were not doing anything special, nothing I could not do myself.

I will not get into confusing things these programs did and how I learned from them, because that will not help you or your problems, it will just bore you and you'll go click a link for a product that guarantees it can fix all of your home computer repair problems, which it probably can't. I will just tell you how to fix your home computer the simplest way possible.

I’ve gained the knowledge, so I am passing it off to you, in the hopes you can benefit, or your computer can benefit, without spending loads of cash on programs that will not work and just confuse you.

I learned that those over priced programs and tutorials I purchased were not doing anything special, and I eventually taught myself the basics of what the programs did, and now I can fix almost any home computer repair problem. You will be able to do the same, but without having to do it the hard way ( like me) and you don't have to worry about your bankroll tumbling down, like that truck commercial where the girl pushes the truck off a cliff and it tumbles down and is 100% fine haha, I love that commercial. ok so anyway...

So stick with a professional company to do your home computer repairs or just understand that most problems are very easy to fix, and you do it alone, with a little guidance, in no time flat.

So don’t get overwhelmed, take my lessons one step at a time. I cannot stress this enough. In no time you will be able to diagnose and fix most of your very own home computer repair issues.